iPerf Crib Sheet

1 minute read

iPerf 2


sudo apt install iperf

or similar

Run Server in Docker:

docker run -d -p 5001:5001 -p 5001:5001/udp --name iperf2 moutten/iperf:2.0

Run client - basic version

iperf -c <server> -i 1

This will connect to server and display output every 1 second

Run client - TCP version

Recommended way to run TCP version

iperf -c docker -w 64K -i 1

-w - increase TCP window size to 64KB
-i 1 - output interval 1 second

Run client - UDP version

Recommended way to UDP run version (Use UDP and try to max out gigabit connection)

iperf -c docker -w 64K -u -b 1G -i 1

-w - increase UDP buffer size to 64KB (same option under TCP would set TCP window size)
-u - use UDP instead of TCP (not needed if you include -b since that implies -u)
-b 1G - attempt to send 1Gbps
-i 1 - output interval 1 second

iPerf 3


sudo apt install iperf3 or similar

Run Server in Docker:

docker run -d -p 5201:5201 -p 5201:5201/udp --name iperf3 moutten/iperf:3.0

Run client:

iperf3 -c <server>

Defaults to displaying output every 1 second

Docker Compose File

Basic working version to run BOTH servers

version: '3.1'


# docker run -d -p 5001:5001 -p 5001:5001/udp --name iperf2 moutten/iperf:2.0
container_name: iperf2
restart: always
image: moutten/iperf:2.0
- "5001:5001"
- "5001:5001/udp"

# docker run -d -p 5201:5201 -p 5201:5201/udp --name iperf3 moutten/iperf:3.0
container_name: iperf3
restart: always
image: moutten/iperf:3.0
- "5201:5201"
- "5201:5201/udp"
