Mount MP3 network share located on main Windows PC

1 minute read

SlimServer doesn’t like the Music Folder path in the form smb://computer/share - presumably it can’t use smbclient. I therefore need to mount this share in the filesystem.

Parts of this are taken from here and here{.broken_link}.

  1. Install smbfs:

       sudo apt-get install smbfs
  2. Create a folder in the /media folder:

       sudo mkdir /media/mp3
  3. Mount the share manually to test it:

       sudo smbmount //computer/MP3 /media/mp3 -o username=USER,password=PASSWORD,uid=1000,mask=000

    Note: Change USER to your linux username. The uid=USER,gid=users is important because if you dont use that, only root will have access to write files to the mounted share.

  4. Unmount it:

       sudo smbumount /media/mp3
  5. Add an entry to /etc/fstab so it is mounted on boot:

       sudo gedit /etc/fstab

    and add this line at the bottom:

       //computer/MP3 /media/mp3   smbfs  auto,credentials=/home/USER/.credentials,uid=1000,umask=000,user   0 0
  6. Create the .smbcredentials file in the user’s home directory:

       sudo gedit ~/.smbcredentials

    Add the following lines to the file, but change USER to your SMB username and PASSWORD to your SMB password.

  7. Reload fstab:

       sudo mount -a

NOTE: you could have included the username and password in the fstab but this way is more secure.

NOTE: Do not try and mount a folder on a share, it wont work. The source for an SMB mount has to be a share.

NOTE: Do not put a trailing “/” on the share path or the directory path, it will cause it to fail.

SMB Shares with spaces in the names

If you have an SMB share with a space in the path then replace the space with “\040” (This only applies to the entry in /etc/fstab, from the command line you can just enclose the share path in quotes)
